natural avalanche activity, Cooke City

natural avalanche activity, Cooke City


Quite a few natural avalanches observed north of Cooke City today.   Photos attached of:

1:  NE facing, 10,000, Miller Ridge

2:  E facing, 9900', Bull of the Woods Pass

3:  NE facing, 9700', Miller Ridge

4:  E facing, 10,200' Scotch Bonnet Mtn.

5:  E facing, 10,000 Mt. Henderson

6-8: NE- N facing, 10,000' Mt. Henderson

9:  NE facing, 10,000' Sheep Creek.

There was also a large avalanche event on the E aspect of Fisher Mtn, which I didn't photograph.  But there were some other skiers nearby who likely had a good view of it.  

Also, we had 4 large collapses today.  One on a southerly aspect, and the other 3 on NE aspects.  All around 9800'.



Cooke City
Location (from list)
Observer Name
B. Fredlund